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作者: 来源: 时间:2023/12/11 09:38

□ 吴良佳


二、冷菜类 Cold Dishes

巍山牛凉片 Weishan Cold Beef Slices

漾濞桃仁拌木耳 Black Fungus with Walnut Kernel

喜洲田园秋葵 Xizhou Okra in Sauce

芥末捞汁秋葵 Okra with Mustard Dressing

椒麻汁拌鹅胗 Goose Gizzard with Chili Sauce

红油拌顺风耳 Pig Ears in Chili Sauce

柠檬剔骨乌鸡脚 Lemon-Flavored Boneless Black Chicken Feet

芹菜拌花生米 Celery and Peanut Salad

田园时蔬沙拉 Vegetable Salad

弥渡卷蹄配蘸水 Midu Pork Roll

香拌黄牛肉 Mixed Yellow Beef with Coriander

红油拌豆干 Mixed Dried Tofu with Chili Oil

酸辣汁藕节 Sour and Spicy Lotus Root Slices

三、热菜类 Hot Dishes

香煎银鳕鱼鹌鹑蛋 Pan-Fried Silver Cod and Quail Eggs

喜洲芦笋炒百合 Stir-Fried Lily with Asparagus

芝士南瓜焗虎虾 Baked Tiger Prawns with Cheese and Pumpkins

大理酸辣鱼 Sour and Spicy Fish, Dali Style

大理砂锅鱼 Claypot Fish, Dali Style

葱油田园菜心苗 Fried Vegetables in Scallion Oil

炸虾饼配番茄酱 Fried Shrimp Cake with Tomato Sauce

洋酒酱焗鲜鲍 Baked Fresh Abalone with Imported Wine Sauce

葱油蛋白蒸鱼片 Steamed Fish Slices with Scallion Oil

橄榄油炒西兰花 Fried Broccoli in Olive Oil

鮰鱼狮子头 Fish and Stewed Meatball

燕麦野米番茄盅 Tomato Stew with Oat and Quinoa

金丝虾配泰汁 Shrimp with Thai Sauce

笋丝烩北极贝 Braised Arctic Shellfish with Shredded Bamboo Shoots

胡萝卜青笋丁 Diced Carrots and Bamboo Shoots

酥皮焗三文鱼 Crispy Baked Salmon

秋葵海螺片 Okra and Sea Snail Slices

芙蓉蛋白炒虾仁 Fried Shrimp with Hibiscus-shaped Egg White

芋艿烩海菜 Braised Seaweed with Taro

杏鲍菇炒牛柳 Stir-Fried Beef Fillet with Apricot Mushroom

菌菇干烧鱼块 Braised Fish Slices with Mushrooms

黑椒汁焗鸡扒 Baked Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce

鹌鹑蛋红烧肉 Braised Pork Belly with Quail Eggs

豉油皇小河虾 River Shrimp in Soy Sauce

芦笋百合炒蜜豆 Stir-Fried Sweet Beans with Asparagus and Lily

葱油白灼菜心 Poached Cabbage with Scallion Oil

诺邓火腿烩山药 Braised Ham with Yam

橄榄油炒菠菜 Sautéed Spinach in Olive Oil

腊肉皱椒烩香菌 Braised Mushrooms with Bacon and Wrinkled pepper

香茅草焗牛扒 Baked BeefSteak with Lemongrass

白族酸辣黄壳鱼 Sour and Spicy Yellow Shell Fish

红烧肉丸配蔬菜 Braised Meatball with Vegetables

洱源雕梅小排 Carved Plum Spareribs

盐水基围虾 Salted Boiled Shrimp